Be a Part of the "Big Picture"
Made from artworks submitted by patients, families and staff of AHN Wexford pediatrics.

Expanding Pediatric Services
The scope of pediatric services and capabilities at AHN Wexford Hospital is expanding, providing children and families in the northern suburbs of Pittsburgh with new, convenient access to high-quality inpatient care for children with acute medical conditions as well as those with orthopaedic and ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions.
Care for All Children
The expansion also includes specialized accommodations for neurodiverse children and emergency services. A certified child life specialist will assist families and children in navigating their care journey to help ensure the best possible experience at AHN Wexford.
Patients and Families Can Participate
All of our patients, their families, and the staff of AHN Wexford pediatrics are invited to participate in this special mosaic mural featured in our new pediatric unit.
Be a Part of the "Big Picture"
This mosaic will be made from the artworks submitted by our patients, their families, and the staff of AHN Wexford pediatrics - leaving a legacy for years to come.
Leave Your Legacy!
Take a look at the mosaic mural created for the AHN Wexford Hospital in 2021.
A brand new mosaic mural for AHN Wexford Pediatrics will be revealed in 2024.