Common Ground:
From Crisis to Hope
Common Ground combines community engagement initiatives
with a celebration of 40 years of service to the community.
Common Ground marked 40 years of service to the community in 2011. In order to include everyone in the celebration and bring the community together, Common Ground partnered with Project S.N.A.P. to create a 40th Anniversary Mosaic Mural. The project provided everyone in the community with the opportunity to create artwork that expresses “What Common Ground means to them.”
Common Ground outreach leaders visited classrooms to share more about what the organization does and also to discuss what it means to a family to go from crisis to hope. Artworks were collected from people of all ages, in schools, at conferences, meetings, retreats, assemblies and other places where people were gathering. A large scale artwork collection event took place during the “Arts in the Park” Art Fair where people visiting the art fair had the opportunity to learn more about the work of Common Ground and how they help support families in crisis.
The program culminated in the creation of a large scale 5′ x 9′ mosaic mural which serves as a permanent tribute to Common Ground and its legacy of helping those in crisis throughout the years. The mosaic mural continues to be a symbol of collaboration and commitment to the core values that the organization follows: “We Listen, We Care, We Help”. The permanent mosaic mural is prominently displayed in the Common Ground main offices.
I feel really good that i get to be a part of something that is way bigger than myself and something that is way bigger than all of us. We all need help and Common Ground can give us all of that just like we can support one another in our lives.